Vegetable Families

Major Vegetable Families

The Isolation suggestions are for commercial seed growers.  Use them as a guideline for your own garden, the important thing is to only plant one variety at a time from each species that cross pollinates.

The number of plants is the number you need to plant when saving seeds to avoid inbreeding depression.

How to use this guide:  find the vegetable you are looking for under common name, any other variety listed under the same species will cross pollinate with it and should not be grown at the same time.  If you do not see the vegetable you are looking for, it is because it is the only variety in it’s species and will not cross with any other species.


Genus                  Species                Common Name                               Pollinated        Isolation          #plants   
Allium                    ampeloprasum       leek                                           insect              1 mile               10
            cepa                     common (seed producing) onion     insect               1 mile              10
        shallot, multiplier onion
        potato onion, top setting onion
            fistulosum            Japanese bunching onion
            sativum               garlic, rocambole
            schoenoprasum  common chives
            tuberosum           garlic chives (Chinese chives)


Genus                  Species                Common Name                               Pollinated        Isolation          #plants   
Armoracia           rusticana             horseradish                                 
Brassica              juncea                  Indian Mustard, mustard greens     wind                2 miles             6                             
            Napus                  rutabaga, Siberian Kale,                   insect               ½ mile             8
                                        rape (canola)
            oleracea               broccoli, brussels sprouts               insect               1 mile              10
                                        cabbage, cauliflower, collards
                                        kale, kohlrabi
            rapa                            turnip, broccoli raab                insect               ½ mile             8
                                        Chinese cabbage
                                        Chinese mustard
Eruca                  sativa                   roquette (rockett)
Lepidium             sativum                garden cress
Raphanus            stivus                   radish                                              wind                2 miles             6
Rorippa               microphylla          large leaf watercress
Rorippa               nasturtium            watercress


Genus                  Species                Common Name                               Pollinated        Isolation          #plants   
Atriplex                hortensis             orach (mountain spinach)              
Beta                     vulgaris               garden beet, sugar beet, mangel       wind                2 miles             6
                                                        swiss chard    
Chenopodium      quinoa                 quinoa
Spinacia              oleracea               spinach                                            wind                5 miles             6


Genus                  Species                Common Name                               Pollinated        Isolation          #plants   
Cichorium           endivia                endive, escarole                              
Helianthus           annuus                sunflower
                            tuberosa              Jerusalem artichoke (sunroot)
Lactuca               sativa                   lettuce, celtuce                                   self                  15’-25’            0


Genus                  Species                Common Name                               Pollinated        Isolation          #plants   
Citrullus              vulgaris               watermelon, citron                         
Cucumis              melo                            muskmelon, cantaloupe
                                                        honeydew, casaba
                                                        Armenian cucumber
                                                        Asian picking melon
                                                        Pocket melon (vine pomegranate)
                                                        Vine peach (mango melon)
                            sativus                 cucumber (except Armenian,          insect               ½ mile
                                                        burr and African horned)
Cucurbita            all species            squash                                             insect               hand pollinate


Genus                  Species                Common Name                               Pollinated        Isolation          #plants   
Capsicum            annum                 sweet peppers, chili peppers          insect              
                            frutescens            tabasco, squash pepper
Lycopersicon       lycopersicon        tomato
Physalis               ixocarpa              tomatillo
Solanum              melanocerasum   garden huckleberry
                            melongena           eggplant
                            tuberosum           potato

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